
The practice offers the full range of architectural services.

For clients, either private individuals, or commercial developers, wishing to build, alter, or repair buildings, the practice can provide either a ‘Full Service’, where a commission is seen through from inception to completion, or ‘A Drawings for Consents Only Service’, where, once statutory approvals are obtained, the client takes charge.

The practice can also provide a design service to contractors, as part of ‘design and build’ packages.

The practice’s philosophy, in all cases is very simple: to provide the best possible service.

For clients this means:

  • Listening to them.
  • Responding positively to, and meeting, their requirements.
  • Involving them in the design process, so that they have a detailed understanding of what to expect from a project, so avoiding any ‘surprises’ on completion.
  •  Keeping them informed at all stages as to progress, and fully aware as to why particular decisions are made.
  • Organising building works to ensure, as far as possible, completion on time and within budget.


For their buildings this means:

  • Solutions that, although not necessarily the most obvious, are as straightforward as possible, whilst maximising all available opportunities.
  • Solutions that are most economic to build.
  • Solutions that are functional in use, and positively enhance the location in which they are sited.
  • Solutions that are economic to operate and maintain, built with appropriate materials, combining long life with minimum maintenance, detailed with care to avoid possible future failures, and incorporating energy efficient services installations.
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